
WebSite (aircargo.gunsel.ua)

The site presents air cargo transportation for this company. The visitors can price for air cargo transportation, follow the news, apply the careers, check the serviced country (which countries they can send cargo) and contact services. For visit this site you can use: Visit Site


The api provides data from database to cargo.gunsel.ua and Content Management panel.

pic 1: aircargo.gunsel.ua Landing Page pic 2: aircargo.gunsel.ua Destination Offered pic 3: aircargo.gunsel.ua Destination Offered

Content Management

The panel is developed for managing the contents on gunsel.ua. The content manager sets some texts, images, language parameters, email templates, and message accounts.
The modules on this platform:

  • Content-Type Management: Content type defines what kind of content will be defined. For example; slider, text, text with icons, image e.g.
  • Content: The content is to publish the data to the website. The content manager sets contents and the content appears on the site (gunsel.ua)
  • Products: This module defines the products which will be defined on the gunsel.ua
  • Office List: This module defines the offices on the gunsel.ua. Which offices sell tickets and which offices process cargo goods.
  • Message Accounts: The system is sending emails to customers or to the company. The content manager (Site Admin) defines the account in which email accounts will send the emails.
  • Message Templates: This module defines which template will be sent in the email subject and body. Content manager defines the template in HTML format.
  • System Parameters: This module defines the site’s base parameters. For example; default language, contact form message template, contact form email receivers.
pic 4: Content Management / Content Management Screen pic 5: Content Management / Content List Screen